During that time, we worked together on a Quadrajets record at Private Radio, and he rehearsed with Monkeywrench for their Garageshock debut (I think they hadn't played in several years then). I even managed to make it to GarageShock for once, and had a great time. Tim used to be in Texas bands Big Boys, Poison 13 and Bad Mutha Goose, and now produces records for Estrus the way I used to for Sub Pop. Here's some photos.
Here we are goofing at Garageshock, with a very rare appearance of comic madman Jim Blanchard, who took this picture with the long-arm method. Back behind me on the left is Aaron from Mono Men/Watts.
Tim in the studio doing a "guest" guitar thing on the Quadrajets record. The sticker on the guitar reads "This machine KILLS soulless bullshit." Once Monkeywrench got going again a few months later, I'm afraid this guitar did not survive for long.
The Nomads (from Sweden) were in town for Garageshock, and stopped by the studio to say hi. Here we are outside the studio.
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